Sachet water is popular in Africa because of its cheaper price and easy produce. Most people outside traveling and sport like got a sachet water for drinking with its cheap price. It is high profitable to running a sachet water business in Africa.
Because of labor cost little in Africa. And most Africa Country is welcome Entrepreneurship and few limit. NEPTUNE think the most important item Affecting the Location of firms for the sachet water plant is the raw materials and market. Raw water and pe film is the mainly materials. As pe film take small room which transport is not too much so that most important is the raw water. And closed to the market also mean less transport cost and smooth selling sachet water. Both of the two item are important.
4 Step Help You Easy Start Business Of Make Sachet Water.

4 Step Start Business Of Make Sachet Water.
First, drill a borehole or use city water as resource water

There are a lot dril a borehole company in local. You can find an one help you dril a borehole. For example, a company in South Africa drill a borehole. Then you can build an house or factory for the pure water sachet packaging factory. Or you can use pump and pipe to long way transfer the water.
Aslo, you can start the sachet pure water business in city or town where have city water. Use the city water as resource water. City water only use simple treatment to kill bacteria and removed big suspendid only. It is not pure enough to directly drinking. So you need an RO water purification system. That is also why sachet water been called “pure water” usually
Second, Purified the raw water into Pure water

1000LPH RO Water Purification Machine
Due to different conditions, water plant may use city water, borehole water, underground water, river water as source water. RO water purification machine will removed all contaminants, like solids, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, minerals such as iron, manganese and sulphur, and man-made chemical pollutants including fertilisers.
It is the bestselling purified water purification machine for pure water plant and mineral water plant. It undertake filter the raw water into purified water which reach bottled pure water standard. Its main technology is reverse osmosis (RO).
Thrid, buy pe film as packaging Materials

1kg film can produce 500psc bag water . And 1kg film cost $2. Average bag water cost $0.004. So that one bag water sell at $0.02 which can still have big profit . Because one day can produce 20000psc bag water with one machine .
Fourth, buy sachet water filling and sealing Packaging Machine

Sachet water machine or named pouch filling machine is widely used for package water into plastic sachet. It make use of a single layer of PE film as packaging materials.
Sachet filling machine is the most easy water business machine. It only need one machine . Do not like bottled water which need a lot machine.
It can forming the film into bag and filled pure water in to the bag at the same time . Once finished then can got an final bag pure water product.